Welcome to PROC 101: Pre-Requisite Curriculum

The intent of this self-guided curriculum is to provide you with the foundational procurement knowledge necessary to navigate the State of Rhode Island procurement processes and the ethics and regulations that govern our state procurement.
Please allow yourself the time necessary to review the materials in this curriculum and take advantage of these resources.
Website Navigation
This 17-minute video will take you on a tour of our website. It provides navigation information to help agency users locate resources, and direct vendors to Vendor Training, OSP Registration, the Bid Board and the Contract Board. If you are in an open area when viewing, consider using headphones to prevent distraction to others in your work area.
Procurement 101 Presentation
This presentation will inform you of best procurement practices, ethics, regulations and why we do what we do as purchasing professionals.
You may return to this resource at any time for a refresher.
Download HEREProcurement Statutes and Regulations
General Conditions of Purchase - Amendment A
Next Step
Thank you for taking the PROC 101 Pre-Requisite Curriculum. You should now have a better understanding of foundational procurement knowledge and how to locate these resources. Return to these resources at any time for a refresher.
Click HERE to return to the Agency Procurement Campus.