New PDF Fillable RIFANS Change Order Form is in the Procurement Library
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Welcome to the online Agency Procurement Campus

The Agency Procurement Campus offers self-guided Curriculums that are matched to Procurement Roles. Each Curriculum begins with the 101 Pre-Requisite course that delivers procurement fundamentals that all procurement professionals should be familiar with.
All state procurement professionals are welcome to the campus. No registration is required as the campus is designed as self-guided curriculums. And the Campus is available at any time.
Jay Hauser, State Purchasing Agent, Amanda Rivers and Meredith Skelly, State Deputy Purchasing Agents, and the procurement team encourage you to take a tour, participate in the curriculum and frequent the campus often to access the resources available to you 24/7.
Getting Started
This is where you get access to the PROC 101 Pre-Requisite for all curriculums. Plus the Agency Procurement Library and the Agency Procurement Club.
See the Procurement Curriculum Section below to select the curriculum/curriculums that match your procurement role/roles.
PROC 101 - Pre-Requisite
Basic Procurement For all curriculums
Procurement 101 provides a basic procurement overview. The Procurement 101 presentation provides an overview of the procurement business processes and regulations. Learn what governs us all when you visit our Regulations and Ethics page.
Enter HERE
Link to Agency Procurement Library
Quickly get the guides, forms and templates that you want.
Quick access to all procurement guides, forms and templates catalogued in alphabetic order.
Enter the Library HERE
Link to Agency Procurement Club
Procurement Club resources are available to all agency procurement professionals.
You're already a Club Member!
Enter the Club HERE
Procurement Curriculum Selection
Choose the Procurement Curriculum/Curriculums that match your Procurement Role/Roles. If your procurement practice is linked to several Curriculums, we suggest that you begin with PROC 101 and then proceed to the curriculums based on most practiced to least practiced.
PROC 201 - Requisitioner
Get best practice materials for understanding the procurement business processes and use of the RIFANS system for procurements.
Enter HERE
PROC 301 - Contract Manager
Curriculum materials guide users on how to identify contract performance expectations and get best contract performance outcomes.
Enter HERE
PROC 401 - Procurement & Solicitation Roles
Get best practices for Procurement Processes with an emphasis on the Solicitation process, including helpful resource guides, tips, checklists and forms.
Enter HERE
PROC 501 - Leadership Level
This curriculum is an introduction to the State's Centralized Purchasing Division and primary procurement information at a high-level.