Vendor OSP Registration & Bid Submission Training Announcement We invite vendors to attend a live virtual demonstration of the OSP System through Microsoft Teams on Thursday, January 9, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. This session will provide tips for system, website, and vendor registration. Please register HERE.
Agency Procurement Club and Procurement Campus New Agency Procurement Training Page for Training Notifications. See what's lined up HERE. The New PDF Fillable RIFANS Change Order Form is in the Procurement Library. Start using the new Form today! Share this News. The Procurement Club The Division of Purchases formed the Agency Procurement Club for all State Agency Procurement Professionals. Our mission is to provide an informal club for agencies to get access to Purchases current events and resources. We hope you enjoy this site and will visit often. The Procurement Campus The Procurement Campus is where agency procurement professionals self-manage learning curriculums based on procurement roles. Each role is aligned to relevant curriculum procurement tools, templates, and forms. The Campus is available 24/7 for you to take advantage of the self-guided curriculums when convenient. Welcome to the Club! Get Connected to these Resources Master Price Agreements Procurement Campus Procurement Library Procurement Training WAVE Newsletter Library RIVIP agency/external posting login Get procurement foundational knowledge. Access regulations, ethics, procurement tools, templates, forms and how-to guides HERE. Access the RIVIP external login HERE. Access the Vendor Registration Decision Maker HERE Vendors can access the Vendor Training Center HERE Access Master Price Agreements on the Contract Board HERE Prev Next Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5