Agency Procurement Club and Procurement Campus

New Agency Procurement Training Page for Training Notifications.

See what's lined up HERE.

The New PDF Fillable RIFANS Change Order Form is in the Procurement Library. Start using the new Form today! Share this News.


The Procurement Club

The Division of Purchases formed the Agency Procurement Club for all State Agency Procurement Professionals.

Our mission is to provide an informal club for agencies to get access to Purchases current events and resources.

We hope you enjoy this site and will visit often.

The Procurement Campus

The Procurement Campus is where agency procurement professionals self-manage learning curriculums based on procurement roles. Each role is aligned to relevant curriculum procurement tools, templates, and forms. The Campus is available 24/7 for you to take advantage of the self-guided curriculums when convenient.


Agency Procurement Club
Welcome to the Club!

Get Connected to these Resources




OSP Solicitations First-Year Anniversary

February 14, 2023.

OSP Balloons

It is a pleasure to celebrate the first-year anniversary of successfully transitioning agency Solicitations to the OSP platform.

Bidders now post their bid responses online, and agencies receive evaluation bid documents electronically.

It's a win-win for all!



OSP Special Perks
Nancy McIntyre, State Purchasing Agent

Over 10,000 vendors are registered to bid with our State.

About OSP Vendor Registration

  • All vendors must have a full/approved registration in OSP to be issued a Purchase Order.

  • The OSP Registration Landing Page is where vendors go to get registered.

  • Full registration is approved by Accounts and Control and allows purchase order issuance and bidding.

  • Soft registration allows vendors to bid.

  • The OSP Host Provider Proactis/WebProcure Help Desk 1-866-889-8533 can tell vendors if their organization is registered.


Thanks for being great partners as we celebrate 10,000+ vendor registrations and our first year of OSP Agency Solicitations!

- The Rhode Island Division of Purchases Team