PROC 301 - Contract Manager

The PROC 301 self-guided curriculum is designed to instruct best practices for active contract management, expectations and outcomes, and provides helpful tips to Contract Managers.

Procurement Guides, Instructions, Checklists, and Forms are included in PROC 301.

-Nancy McIntyre, State Purchasing Agent

Contract Manager

Procurement Processes for Contract Managers

  • Learning & System Guidance Curriculum

    Curriculum materials guide users on how to identify contract performance expectations and get best contract performance outcomes. Some of the most important work for improving the performance of contracts happens during the course of the contract itself. Agencies can use active contract management strategies to establish an ongoing collaboration with vendors to strategically improve performance. Learn more about this in the Preparing for Active Contract Management Guide.

  • Processing & Action Repository

    Get the Forms and Templates you need to get the job done. For instance, the RIFANS Change Order Form and Instructions.

  • All Curriculums begin with Pre-Requisite PROC 101 | Rhode Island Division of Purchases (

Next Step

If you prepare RFPs/RFQs/RFIs, or perform the mini-bid process, please proceed to the PROC 401 - Procurement & Solicitation Professional curriculum.

If you are a Requisitioner and have not taken PROC 201 - Requisitioner, please take the 201 Curriculum. 

Because each Curriculum is designed to provide all materials that meet the Learning and Actions associated with that specific procurement role, you may see some materials cross over between Curriculums.

When you have completed PROC 301

You have gained knowledge of the Procurement Contract Management role, and discovered the helpful resource guides, tips, checklists, and forms that are available to you at any time.

Return to PROC 301 or visit the Agency Procurement Library to access these resources.

Congratulations and Thank You for completing the PROC 301 Curriculum.

-Nancy McIntyre, State Purchasing Agent

Kindly Download and Print Your Certificate. Include your Name and Today's Date.